Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day Four

"How precious are Your thoughts to me...How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand..." (psalm 139:17-18)

Tj and I are reading a great new book, it's called "The Love Dare." Each day there is a new "dare" that we do, as a couple. Day four's dare was: "contact your spouse during the business of the day. Have no agenda other than asking how he or she is doing, and if there is anything you could do for them."

Every night we read the Dare for the next day, and when the next day rolls around, we make sure and work on what we read. We're learning to respect one another more, help one another more, love and be more considerate of one another. It's kind of funny that a book could help someone out the way it has us-and we're not even half way through!

Marriage and being a parent, it's the hardest job in the world. No one prepares you for it, it's not like they really can... And sometimes you feel like you are being pulled in a thousand different directions, your husband or wife should be the one that keeps you centered. For a while, I lost sight of my center-many people, and things, along with this book have helped me find that center again, Tj.


  1. I'm going online right now to order it myself. I completely agree with not being prepared to be a wife or a mother. I don't care how old you are or how much money you have, how "well" you prepare, you just aren't prepared enough. The book seems like a great place to start and recenter a marriage...Thank you for introducing me to it!~ Steph

  2. Sounds like a great book! I've never heard of it. I may need to check that out! Being a wife and mom is the hardest thing I have ever done. I think what is the hardest part for me is being selfless. As a mom your kids always come first and then by the time your husband comes home from you work all you want is some "you" time so it is easy to kind of push your spouse aside. They need attention just as bad as your kids do and it takes a lot of selflessness to be a great mom as well as a great wife. I love this post Sam...it really made me take a step back and reconsider where my priorities are. Thanks girlie! Love you!

    PS- GET OUT TO MARYLAND! We need to hang out...come on now!
