Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Picture overload!!


  1. I keep trying to post comments, the page freezes *sigh*

    The boys look SO much like TJ! How sweet!

    So here are the replies I tried to post...

    hehe...I actually just broke down and bought my 1st California Baby body wash for the boys...
    it's good. It does have some not so kosher things in it, but it doesn't have fragrance which is why
    we banned Burt's Bees (anything with "fragrance" usually is hiding a slew of chemicals and hormone stuff). isn't perfect, but it is one of the better products I've found! I haven't read their ingredients
    in their whole line...but check the safety database for each product:

    On another note, I found an awesome and affordable momma body products line:
    I LOVE their perfume trio in vanilla! YUM!

    I need to go order more SUKI skincare products for me too...their line rocks!
    It is a tad bit of $ but it only takes a TINY amount for each it works out to
    like $3/week for my skincare products altogether (and not one breakout since I switched)!

    Time to go make microwave brownies, 5 minutes and only eggs, flour, sugar, cocoa.
    Nighty night, fellow eco mama!


    P.S. I'm working on a website to put all of my eco-recommendation products on and asking the makers if I can link them or
    sell them on the site to make it easy for everyone who keeps wanting my opinions hehe I feel so enlightened!

  2. oh and hey...I need your email addy...becaue I'm changing my mommyntheoc since we're moving...I dont have to claim the OC any longer...LOL....anyways, shoot me an email via myspace or the blog or whatever :-)
